Sunday, August 29, 2010

Legal Tender: For All Debts, Public or Private

Money is the root of all evil I've seen.
Money is the reason.

Money is the reason we can't trust politicians,
Money is the reason,
The powers make corrupts decisions.

Money is why when you call,
I don't pick up the phone.

Money is why I'll never have a family,
Or home.

Money is the reason she married you.

Money is all your kids saw when they buried you.

Money is the reason I'll never go to church,
Love of God is priceless, the truth, it hurts.

Money is the motivation of scarcity.

Money is a factor of why all aren't free.

Money is the reason we don't respect the land,
Money is the nail that pierced my hand.

Money is why I feel, I'm better than you.

Money will never care what you did or do.

Money is why we live,
Money is why we die,
Money will eventually set fire to the sky.


  1. Out of the ones you posted on here, this is number one in my eyes. You better copyright these man. Takin' 'em back to AHHS

  2. This is the truth! The whole truth and nothing but the truth!
